
Hair Products

Take A Look At Your Shampoo

hair shampoo

We all love the feel and smell of clean, freshly washed hair. But just what do we use to get that? With so many different shampoos on the market today, it’s a dilemma choosing which one is right for us.

When shampoo was first used it was a mixture of ashes and water which, surprisingly, did clean your hair but left it dry and brittle. Shampoo formulations then progressed to include a mixture of alkalis, natural oils and fragrances. In the late 19th century they added soap shaving which gave the shampoo its lather. Unfortunately this made your head itch and feel uncomfortable, so they started boiling the shavings first, adding some herbs and essential oils and together they gave great shiny, clean hair.

The act of shampooing is not just to clean your hair. Specialist shampoos are used to treat different types of hair like oily and frizzy, or even to make your hair feel thicker, giving it volume. Some people have skin problems that require a specialist shampoo to help.

While modern shampoos often appear to produce good results, the majority of them contain an active ingredient call Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS). This is a surfactant, basically a detergent, which tends to be a little too harsh for your skin. Tests with teenagers and people in their 60′s proved that shampoos containing SLS can be a cause hair loss and thinning. Both groups had some hair loss and the shampoo they used was established as the cause. There are a group of shampoos that only contain natural products such as Soy proteins, Aloe Vera and natural herbs. Some other of these organic shampoos contain Olive oil; we are all aware that Olive oil is good for a healthy body… it is also good for hair and skin too.

After changing to an organic shampoo, the test results showed that within 2-3 months hair loss decreased, leaving a fuller head of hair.

Organic shampoos use natural essential oils which give them their fragrance and therefore they do not use any chemicals. These oils have their own health benefits too. This is a positive double whammy!

There are many things that can cause hair loss and thinning such as pregnancy, illness and certain medications. There are now shampoos that can help reduce this problem. They not only help with hair re-growth but can also strengthen your remaining hair and promote a healthy scalp too. The way it works is by reducing the build up of Sebum around the follicle. In turn this also reduces itchiness and flaky scalps.

Using these shampoos may take longer to shampoo your hair as they normally applied in three processes, cleansing, nourishing and conditioning. It will be worth it and you will notice a great change to the condition and thickness of your hair in a short time of regular use.

Who would have thought there was so much more to shampoo? Taking the time to research the shampoos available and choosing the one that’s right for you will always deliver the best results for you. And don’t be fooled by the amount of lather, it doesn’t always mean it’s a good shampoo!

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