The Dispill/Dosette Pack
Advantages of the Dispill/Dosette Pack
The Dispill/Dosette Package provides your medication in a simple, convenient blister pack. Each Dispill™ pack contains one week’s supply of medication that is clearly labelled and organized according to your personal information and medication schedule. This takes the guesswork out of medication management, which could save you from potentially serious complications.
Each dosette contains one week of medication(s) (oral solids only) in a convenient container with individual compartments to provide up to 4 different dispensings per day.
How it Works
- Dosettes /Dispills are individually filled/dispensed. A color-coded chart is provided on the back of the dosette as a visual aid. Completed dosettes/dispills are provided weekly.
- A schedule for a new dispill/ dosette is established in collaboration with the patient, care giver and/or professional.
- A Medication Record Summary (MRS) is maintained for each patient on the dosette/dispill program. The MRS provides detailed information on all current medications and dosage intervals.
- New prescriptions for acute conditions (e.g. antibiotics or pain medication) will be dispensed in vials or on carded blister.
- If there are changes in medication(s) or administration times, the existing dosettes will be retrieved, appropriate changes made and the new dosettes returned promptly.
Features & Benefits
- Reduces the potential for medication(s) errors since dosage administration times are simplified.
- Establishes a regular ordering and supply of medication(s).
- Drug related problems including interactions are minimized with regular monitoring of medication records including over the counter medications.
- Medication problems are identified and efficiently managed between physician visits.
- Provides easy opportunity to monitor missed or extra doses.
- Discontinued medications are properly and efficiently destroyed to avoid errors